วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What is 'CULTURE'?

‘Culture’, what does this word mean? Is it good or bad to have culture? Some people say that culture is one of the symbols of a country while others say that culture is the things that we do normally.

For me, I don’t really know what the culture is, but I think culture is what most people in the country usually do. Many people use culture to separate each country because different countries have different culture. Sometimes, I don’t like other countries’ culture and usually think that why should they do this, it’s not necessary, for instance, I think to eat without spoon as western people do doesn’t make anything be better, it’s only make me eat uncomfortably. However, to disagree with other countries’ culture is not strange because other culture is not what we usually do in our lifetime. If I do something automatically for a long time and I have to change them, I’ll feel uncomfortable and think that there is no reason why I have to do those things.

Although I don’t like to follow other countries’ culture, I think I still have to follow it if I go to those countries. It’s like if you come to my house, you should do what I and my family do. Therefore, it is very important to respect and accept others’ culture even if we absolutely don’t like it. As I say, different countries have different culture, so what we think is wrong may be right for people from other countries opinion.

I think I can’t say that I won’t do this because it’s not Thai culture and I don’t like it. I, as a Thai person don’t know even what exactly Thai culture is. Perhaps, what I do normally today is Thai culture, or maybe it’s just my habit and I just do what I want to.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me?

Some people do things they want to, others do what their parents want them to do, which group is better? Maybe what we do depends on what society expects of us. This is what society expects me to do me in my opinion.

I think my father and mother expect me to be a good person, actually, be better than they are. They want me to have knowledge. They try so much to provide me with some knowledge such as have UBC so I can watch the National Geographic channel. I agree with their opinion to make me grow up as a better person than they are. I know my parents expect a lot from me because they love me, if I can be a good person, they will feel happy. I want someone who loves me and someone I love to feel happy, I myself want to be a good person too. Although they want me to be a good person, they still expect me to be myself.

Not only my parents expect me to be a good person, I think my teachers expect me to be a good person too. Although the teachers’ job is to teach in each subject, I think they not only want me to be a person with knowledge, but they want me to be a good person with knowledge too. I think it is good because in my opinion, teachers are someone who build good people in society. For my friends, I think they just expect me to be their friend, to be someone who they can trust. I agree with them because I just expect them to be someone I can trust too.

I’m not sure whether I’m everything I am because I expect myself to be or I’m just be what the society expects me to be. However, it is no matter which one is true for me because I think what I expect myself to be is the same as what society expects me to be.

Young people today

Many people say that young people today are worse than what they were in the past. In contrast, not many people say that young people today are better. For me, I don’t want to compare teenagers today with teenagers in the past and I think young people today have both good and bad points.

Today there is a lot of high technology, and much of it provides teenagers some experiences and knowledge, which they cannot find in the classroom. Teenagers today have a lot of opportunity to learn and to provide themselves with some knowledge. If teenagers want to find some information about anything, they can find it in the internet, which allows them to see the information from all around the world. This means that young people today have a chance to learn what they want.

On the other hand, some young people today are addicted to alcohol, and this causes many accidents and some fighting. When one gets drunk, one cannot control him or herself. Many teenagers say they know about the bad things from alcohol, so they would not drink it or if they did, they would control their selves. However, from my experience, teenagers try not to drink alcohol, but when you are addicted to something, you usually can’t control yourself. Their knowledge can’t help them to stop drinking alcohol.

Moreover, some young people today both girls and boys usually spend a lot of money on clothes, jewelry and make up. Although all these things are expensive, teenagers can buy them because their parents give them the money. They can buy what they want so they don’t really know the worth of money.

Although young people today have both good and bad points, in my opinion, we can be better. We have lot of technology and opportunity to learn and to find new good experiences; nevertheless, many teenagers, including me, haven’t used them in all these advantages yet.

Getting to know me

My name is Bam. I’m 15 years old and now I’m studying in mathayom 4. My home land is Thailand and now I live in Bangkok, Thailand.
What is my hobby? I think I enjoy reading, but I’m not sure whether I can call it a hobby or not. I love reading; I can read anything except love stories. When I read, I feel like I can forget all of the anxiety. Reading some books also provides me with some interesting knowledge. My favorite book genses are criminal and suspense. I’m a fan of Akagawa Jiro, a Japanese author who is called “the expert of criminal stories”. I usually read in Thai. When I read in English, I always feel a bit uncomfortable, but now, I’m trying to read in English comfortably.
I also love tennis; I’m a fan of Justin Henin, a Belgian tennis player. I can play tennis but not very well, I prefer watching rather than playing tennis. Not only me but my family enjoys watching tennis too. When I watch tennis, it’s not only a sort of relaxation, but I can learn some techniques from the world's top tennis players and I can improve my listening skills in English by listening to the commentators in each match.
These are some things about me, hope you enjoy my blog.