วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something important?

Everyone has his or her important events, especially us teenagers. We have many exams in school, academic exams or just the exams about special skills such as the piano. For me, I have been in a ballet exam, and that is my important event.

When I was about 8 years old, I had been in ballet class for 4 years and actually, I thought I was quite good. In that ballet school, I had to attend exam after I finished every course to decide whether I passed that level or not. A month before the exam I had to practice very hard, my teacher told me to practice hard to make sure that when I was in the examination room I could do my best. At that time my weak point was to smile, I just couldn’t smile when I practiced and I also thought that I didn’t have to smile when I was practicing.

On the examination day, I went to the examination building with a confident feeling and full of thoughts that I would do it quite well because I had been practicing so hard for a month until that day. I felt very confident and slightly excited when I got ready for the exam, but unbelievably, when I was standing in front of the examination room, counting down for the second that I had to step in that room, all of my confidence and excited feeling that I had all disappeared.

I only felt nervous, very nervous and extremely nervous. When I stepped in that scary examination room, I still felt nervous, however, I told myself that I could do it and that made me feel a little bit better. But, I became nervous and worried again because of an examiner’s sharp eyes which stared at me as though she could see through me into my bumping heart.

When I got out of the examination room, I felt like my head was blank, I wasn’t sure if I did well or badly, all I felt was a little bit dizzy and a little bit relieved.

This event taught me that there’s nothing certain in this world, so the best thing that we can do is it do our best in everything.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Peach_roll-tee กล่าวว่า...

I agree with you that you can do is it do our best in everything. I think it is normal to feel nervous when you do something special but you can do it that you can do the best. I think it is good to practice something that you do because when you will show it you will sure that you can do. I think when you show something and you feel nervous it is better than you don’t have a chance to show.

..[F]!|m.. กล่าวว่า...

I think you can pass that exam, right? If I were you, I could not do it or I could do it badly. Because in that time, you were young, and if I were you, I would not move my body. I think you controlled yourself very good. And I admire you that you practiced it hard for a mouth. So if you do like this for every exam or test, you will do it all, very well. I will try to do like you for my exam.